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Own Your Metabolism

Take charge of your body, your fitness, and your LIFE with a 

For women ready to finally fix their metabolism—so that anything becomes possible


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Nutrition confusion. Fitness failures. Tanking energy.
A body that doesn’t feel like home.

Nutrition confusion.
Fitness failures.
Tanking energy.

A body that doesn’t feel like home.

Does this sound Like you?

If you’re 35+, you might have noticed that your body used to behave a little differently. Okay, a lot differently.

So what gives? If you ask the internet, you’ll get a buffet of armchair diagnostics:

It’s your blood sugar! It’s your hormones! It’s your gut! It’s your (fill in the blank)!

Whatever it is, you’ll try just about anything to restore your energy, make progress in the gym, figure out your nutrition, and get back to the body (and the health) you once knew.

Because, honestly? If things keep going the way they’re going, you don’t know where you’ll be in 10 years.

So how do you take control?

Diets and fitness fads don’t actually solve the problem: at best, they offer the illusion of a solution; at worst, they lead to deeper confusion and frustration.

What you need is clarity.

You need to know EXACTLY what’s going on, so you can build back a foundation that makes anything—from better energy to well-functioning hormones to better body composition—possible.

You need to know how your metabolism works—and how you can make it work for you.

Wait. Doesn’t your metabolism just mean how many calories you burn?

Nope! It’s way, way deeper than that. Your metabolism touches every. single. system. in your body.

And your metabolic function holds the key to literally everything that needs to go “right” for you to feel great and look your best…for good.

Imagine how good it will feel to...

✔︎ Reclaim your energy
✔︎ Balance your blood sugar
✔︎ Support your detoxification pathways
✔︎ Regulate your appetite
✔︎ Harmonize your hormones
✔︎ Level-up your fitness

Not to mention...

✔ Get the body composition that’s perfect for you, regardless of your age
âś” Transform how you look and feel with a plan that's as sustainable as it is effective
✔ Find genuine confidence — in your body, and your ability to make things happen for yourself
✔ Feel fully at home in your body…for good

Imagine how good it will feel to...

✔︎ Reclaim your energy
✔︎ Balance your blood sugar
✔︎ Support your detoxification pathways
✔︎ Regulate your appetite
✔︎ Harmonize your hormones
✔︎ Level-up your fitness

Not to mention...

✔︎ Get the body composition that’s perfect for you, regardless of your age
✔︎ Transform how you look and feel with a plan that's as sustainable as it is effective
✔︎ Find genuine confidence — in your body, and your ability to make things happen for yourself
✔︎ Feel fully at home in your body…for good

It's ALL possible... with a METABOLISM FIRST APPROACH.

So if you’ve tried it all and are sick of following gurus, plans, programs and RULES…
If you’re ready to learn the TRUTH about your metabolism and how to harness it…
If you’re ready to open up an entirely new toolbox of smart, transformative TOOLS to get you there…

Then I have just the thing!

It's ALL possible... with a METABOLISM FIRST APPROACH.

So if you’ve tried it all and are sick of following gurus, plans, programs and RULES…
If you’re ready to learn the TRUTH about your metabolism and how to harness it…
If you’re ready to open up an entirely new toolbox of smart, transformative TOOLS to get you there…

Then I have just the thing!


Own Your Metabolism

An 8-week, full-body, METABOLISM FIRST approach to help you do it all.

It’s TIME. It’s time to STOP believing the empty promises of influencers, the rule-heavy programs of gurus, and the short-term plans masquerading as “sustainable lifestyle change.”

It’s time to know what to do, why to do it, and how to make it happen.

It’s time to get real, get vulnerable, and get deep—so you can live this one, beautiful life in a body that feels like home.

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“These recommendations have been extremely achievable and HIGH impact. My energy has increased. Satiety up, food noise down. I think the most encouraging part to me is starting to feel more like 'myself'.”



Own Your Metabolism

An 8-week,
approach to help you do it all.

It’s TIME.

It’s time to STOP believing the empty promises of influencers, the rule-heavy programs of gurus, and the short-term plans masquerading as “sustainable lifestyle change.”

It’s time to know what to do, why to do it, and how to make it happen.

It’s time to get real, get vulnerable, and get deep—so you can live this one, beautiful life in a body that feels like home.

Sign Me Up!

“These recommendations have been extremely achievable and HIGH impact. My energy has increased. Satiety up, food noise down. I think the most encouraging part to me is starting to feel more like 'myself'.”


What Makes Own Your Metabolism Different?

Some programs help you eat “clean;” some say they’ll help to balance blood sugar or regulate your hormones, others focus on body recomposition.

And honestly? Many of them work…for one thing.

But the problem with most of them?

They overlook a key factor: your metabolism.

To change your body or any system in it, you have to focus on your metabolism first.

Building a solid metabolic foundation is the key to any sustainable change.

Your metabolism doesn’t just “burn calories.” It helps govern every single system in your body. Long-term success is impossible on any plan that doesn’t account for the nuances of your metabolism.

No matter what you want to do, you’ve got to Own Your Metabolism FIRST.

The good news? Once you “get it,” it’s easy to make this sustainable for the long haul. (And you won’t need another program, book, or course to keep it up.)

What Makes Own Your Metabolism Different?

Some programs help you eat “clean;” some say they’ll help to balance blood sugar or regulate your hormones, others focus on body recomposition.

And honestly? Many of them work…for one thing.

But the problem with most of them?

They overlook a key factor: your metabolism.

To change your body or any system in it, you have to focus on your metabolism first.

Building a solid metabolic foundation is the key to any sustainable change.

Your metabolism doesn’t just “burn calories.” It helps govern every single system in your body. Long-term success is impossible on any plan that doesn’t account for the nuances of your metabolism.

No matter what you want to do, you’ve got to own your metabolism FIRST.

The good news? Once you “get it,” it’s easy to make this sustainable for the long haul. (And you won’t need another program, book, or course to keep it up.)

Own Your Metabolism is the
LAST Program
You'll Ever Need

Get ready for:

Easy brain rewiring techniques for sustainable change and the stress relief your body ACTUALLY needs. These might be THE most important part of the program.
OYM customized, muscle-and-metabolism-boosting workouts delivered via the Own Your Fitness app. You can’t Own Your Metabolism without this one key tool.
Nutrient-packed, done-for-you meal plans to rev up your metabolism, no macro counting required. You need the right nutrients to power up your metabolic engine.
On-ramp guides for adding back carbs, coming off keto, supporting digestion, and getting familiar with metabolism-friendly workouts. We know the first steps aren’t always easy, and we’re here for you.
Simple strategies to harness your biorhythms, from waking to sleeping, to maximize your results. This supercharges your metabolic engine.
Smart shortcuts & helpful hacks for quick wins. Because it’s OK to press the “easy button” sometimes.
EVERYTHING ON AUDIO  for learning on-the-go. We know your time is precious, and we DON’T want you chained to the computer.
 And more! Exclusive Q&A sessions, comprehensive guides for EVERY stage of the program, and practical tips for lasting success.
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Here how it all breaks down...

Week 1

Learn the foundations of metabolic health, the 6 keys to metabolic mastery, and the biggest myths and truths about your metabolism.

Choose your nutrition and fitness “on-ramp” (low-carbers and cardio lovers, we’ve got you), gather your supplies, and learn the shortcuts and helpful hacks that will boost your confidence and help you rack up quick wins during your 8-week challenge...

Each week focuses on knowing and leveraging a key aspect of metabolic mastery — The Mind, Your Muscle, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Your Microbiome, and Your Biorhythms.

You’ll get to know each one and harness it easily and seamlessly (no, seriously) with 100% Done-For-You meal plans AND workouts catered to your fitness level.

Bonus: your workouts are delivered via app for the easiest, smoothest fitness experience ever!

Week 2-7

Week 8

It’s time to do what you can only do when your metabolism is on point!

Assess your next steps  and dive in to the bonus content that takes you to YOUR next level: Whether it’s time to lose more fat, gain more muscle, change your body composition, boost performance, target longevity, or all of the above….

You’ve FINALLY got the foundation and the tools to do it…for good.

Whatever is next, we’ve got the plan to kick-start your next chapter!

Weekly Breakdown

Week 1: Prep Week

Week 2: Movement and Muscle

Week 3: Your Mind

Week 4: Macronutrients

Week 5: Micronutrients & Compounds

Week 6: Your Microbiome

Week 7: Biorhythms

Week 8: Wrap Week

Here how it all breaks down...

Week 1

Learn the foundations of metabolic health, the 6 keys to metabolic mastery, and the biggest myths and truths about your metabolism.

Choose your nutrition and fitness “on-ramp” (low-carbers and cardio lovers, we’ve got you), gather your supplies, and learn the shortcuts and helpful hacks that will boost your confidence and help you rack up quick wins during your 8-week challenge...

Week 2-7

Each week focuses on knowing and leveraging a key aspect of metabolic mastery — The Mind, Your Muscle, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Your Microbiome, and Your Biorhythms.

You’ll get to know each one and harness it easily and seamlessly (no, seriously) with 100% Done-For-You meal plans AND workouts catered to your fitness level.

Bonus: your workouts are delivered via app for the easiest, smoothest fitness experience ever!

Week 8

It’s time to do what you can only do when your metabolism is on point!

Assess your next steps and dive in to the bonus content that takes you to YOUR next level: Whether it’s time to lose more fat, gain more muscle, change your body composition, boost performance, target longevity, or all of the above….

You’ve FINALLY got the foundation and the tools to do it…for good.

Whatever is next, we’ve got the plan to kick-start your next chapter!

Weekly Breakdown

Week 1:
Prep Week

Week 2:
Movement and Muscle

Week 3:
Your Mind

Week 4:

Week 5:
Micronutrients & Compounds

Week 6:
Your Microbiome

Week 7:

Week 8:
Wrap Week

For just $197 (Value $1,000+), you get:

8-Week Nutrition and Fitness Challenge ($199 Value):
All the easy, DOABLE steps you need to lay the foundations for a healthy metabolism — including done-for-you meal plans (no macro counting required), time-saving and helpful hacks, smart shortcuts, and strategies to make more progress, faster.
8-Week METABOLISM FIRST Course ($399 Value):
Learn the keys and expert strategies you MUST know to harness your metabolic health for GOOD, from how to train your brain to STOP sabotaging your progress, to the nutrients you need to fuel your metabolism, to the fitness approach that actually works.
Done-For-You Meal Plans & 100+ Macro-Friendly Recipes & Meals ($99 Value)
Enjoy easy, delicious meals with done-for-you meal plans and shopping lists.
Private Podcast Audio ($199 Value)
Learn on-the-go with access to ALL course materials in audio format.
Own Your Fitness Workout App ($119 Value)
Access to multiple 6-week signature fitness programs, tailored to you.
Support System (Priceless)
Weekly support emails and a direct Q&A channel to ensure you’re supported every step of the way.

*You’ll have 12 months to complete the program. At the end of 12 months, you’ll have the opportunity to renew for a yearly subscription price of $59/year. You will NOT be automatically charged.

Special Topics Bundle ($99 value):
âś” Guide to body recomposition & weight loss
âś” Guide to athletic performance & muscle maintenance in midlife
✔ Peptide guide: keeping your metabolism healthy on peptides like semaglutide & tirzepatide (Ozempic, Mounjaro, Zepbound) 
Overachievers Bundle ($59 value):
âś” Guide to TRUE progress tracking: understanding DEXA, RMR, Styku, HRV, & VO2 max
âś” Light therapy guide: how to use red light & artificial daylight to supercharge wellness
âś” Temperature therapy guide: how to use sauna & cold to enhance results
âś” Metabolism-friendly household cleanup guide

Join NOW and transform how you feel and look through your 30s, 40’s, and beyond with the 

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“I needed to lose weight, and I can feel my body changing and feeling so much healthier. It was time to go on this journey and I’m so glad I did it with this program. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


This is your last chance to let go of the past, reclaim your energy and your health, and absolutely crush the next chapter of your life!

Join Own Your Metabolism Today!

then $57/mo to maintain OYM Community & Own Your Fitness Membership

Own Your Metabolism is about finally establishing the foundations for lasting health, so you can feel at home in your body as you enter your 40s and beyond. It's about shedding old strategies that haven't served you, and owning the process of nourishing and nurturing your body so that anything becomes possible.


✔︎ The entire Metabolic Mastery Course — $399 value
✔︎ 8-Week Challenge — $199 value
✔︎ 100+ macro-Friendly Recipes & Meal Ideas + DFY Meal Plans and Shopping Lists — $99 value
✔︎ Private Podcast — $199 value
✔︎ Bonuses: Special Topics Bundle ($99 value) + Overachievers Bundle ($59 value)
✔︎ 12-Month Subscription to the Own Your Fitness App — $119 value


✔︎ Expiring soon: earn a FREE additional YEAR of the Own Your Fitness app when you complete the program! ($119 value)
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Yes, there's a guarantee!

This program is designed to be as robust and informative as possible, and I stand by it 100%. Complete the program, submit all the required materials, and if you're still not satisfied, request a refund within 30 days of program conclusion to receive a full refund.

Hi, I'm Liz Wolfe

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, Wall Street Journal best-selling author, award-winning podcaster, and relentless challenger of the status-quo.

Late into my 30s, I realized the key to health and fitness wasn’t the latest diet trend, but a deep understanding of my metabolism.

I spent years developing and walking through the steps to  metabolic optimization. Because of this, my energy levels are high, my blood sugar and hormones are balanced, my health markers are excellent, and I was even able to maintain my "high" metabolic rate during an intentional weight loss the age of 40. 

But it doesn’t have to take YOU years to heal and optimize your metabolism. I’ve put together all the tools, right here.

This is a whole new metabolic paradigm. Of course you have questions!

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Still undecided?

This program is the perfect fit for you if…

✅ You’ve dabbled in just about every food and fitness plan, but found them lacking.
✅ You’re ready to stop listening to the gurus and start listening to your body.
âś… You want to learn what it takes to have a healthy metabolism for the long haul.

It’s not a fit for you if…

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix.
❌ You want to try yet again to make the “old ways” work.
❌ You’re not quite ready to let go of dieting and trust your body.

“I FINALLY get it. This is exactly what I needed!”


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Still undecided?

This program is the perfect fit for you if…

✅ You’ve dabbled in just about every food and fitness plan, but found them lacking.
✅ You’re ready to stop listening to the gurus and start listening to your body.
âś… You want to learn what it takes to have a healthy metabolism for the long haul.

It’s not a fit for you if…

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix.
❌ You want to try yet again to make the “old ways” work.
❌ You’re not quite ready to let go of dieting and trust your amazing body.

“I FINALLY get it. This is exactly what I needed!”
